Team and Agent Skills Report
The Team and Agent Skills report displays the performance of an individual agent or a group of agents as a graph or chart. The report includes quality reviews, e-learning quizzes and customer feedback survey scores. When multiple agents are selected, the average of their scores is calculated for each individual questionnaire. Drilling down inside the chart displays the selected questionnaire's sub-section or questions within a selected section instead of the whole questionnaire.
Setting Up a Report
The report allows the user to select an agent and view the results of his or her reviews over a period of time in a graphical form. A team leader, for example, can use this report to identify where an agent needs to improve his or her performance and then develop an appropriate coaching or training plan to do so.
Select Reports > Team and agent skills from the left-hand menu. The Team and agent skills screen will open.

Follow the steps to set up the Team and Agent Skills report:
Select a team from the Teams drop-down menu (mandatory).
Select one or more agents from the Agents drop-down menu to create a report based on specific agent/agents (optional).
Select one or more questionnaires from the Questionnaires drop-down menu to create a report based on specific questionnaire/questionnaires (optional).
Optionally enter a Target Score (0-100). A line on the report will appear, clearly indicating the target score.
Click Generate report. The Team and agent skills report will display.

If only a team is selected, the chart represents the average result of all agents from this group and all questionnaires of these agents, even if agents and questionnaires are not explicitly selected. Selection of a team is mandatory.
If more than one agent is selected, the chart represents the average result of the selected agents. If only one agent is selected, the chart represents the result of this agent.
Universal settings
Setting a Date Range
By default, the report displays the last three months. The date range displayed can be modified using the time period selector at the top of the report screen.

Click a different date range (one, six or twelve months) to view a shorter or longer time period. Select a shorter range if the reviews are close together in time or a longer range if the reviews are further apart in time. It is also possible to select All time to display all available data.
To define a custom date range, click the Date range button. A calendar will display. The currently selected date range is highlighted in blue.
Click on the calendar to select the first day of the custom date range. Then click on the calendar to select the last day. The selected date range will be highlighted in blue. You may also enter the dates manually at the top.

Use arrows at the top corners to go to the previous/next month.
Alternatively, change the date range using the date range scale bar at the bottom of the report screen. The date range scale bar displays all data available from when the questionnaire was first used. The default date range shows the last three months of data.
Click and drag the bar to move the defined date range.

Drag the end of the bar to expand or shrink the date range.

The time displayed corresponds to the timezone of the current user. Not necessarily the server timezone.
How does Time period affect what is displayed?
Period To as defined in the Review criteria is used as the decisive date when a Review score is shown in the report/chart.
For Reviews created by the Review Scheduler, then Period To as defined in the Review criteria is used as the decisive date when a Review score is shown in the report/chart.
For Reviews created directly from the Conversation Explorer the date when the conversation happened is used as the decisive date when a Review score is shown in the report/chart.
Switching Between Views
To switch between Chart and Table views, click on the Chart or Table icon at the top right corner of screen.

The Table view contains data used to generate the chart. The same data is exported to Excel upon export.
Hover the mouse cursor over the table to view details. A tooltip with details for the selected item will appear.

Selecting Individual Results
The legend initially shows all available teams (if no team was selected at the beginning). After drilling down, it shows all agents which are members of the selected team.
Click on a particular legend item to unselect it. The unselected items appear in gray on the legend and disappear from the chart. Click any grayed-out item to select it again.

Click Hide all to gray out all items. Then click on the individual item or items to display on the chart. Click Hide all to display all items again.

Another way to display individual results is by highlighting:
Ensure that the Show all option is selected.
Hover the mouse over the legend item that should be highlighted.
The line representing the selected item will remain on the chart. The rest of the items will be grayed out.

Exporting Data
To export the report as an Excel spreadsheet, click the Export button.

The download will begin.
The exported file contains all of the currently displayed data with date range filters applied.
If you use international characters in your reports these special letters/characters may not display properly in MS Excel. If letters or characters do not display as expected, please switch encoding in Excel to UTF. To do this open a new excel file and go to Data → Import from the text.
Open Microsoft Excel
Go to the Data Tab
Click on the From Text/CSV icon.
Navigate to the location of the file that you want to import and import it.
Select the file type that best describes your data from the File Origin dropdown menuSelect Unicode (UTF-8)
Click Load
Drilling Down the Levels
Click on any point in time on the line to drill down.

The selected questionnaire will expand to questionnaire sections. Lines on the chart will represent the scores of each questionnaire section. The dotted line represents the questionnaire's score.
The questionnaire section's score is an average score of all questions belonging to this section.
The questionnaire's score is an average of scores of all sections of this questionnaire.
Additionally, the questionnaire sections will display within the legend to the right of the report screen.

Click on the questionnaire section line to drill down again.

The selected section will expand to particular questions. Lines on the chart will represent scores for each question. The dotted lines represent the questionnaire's score and the questionnaire section's score.
If it is not possible to drill down again, a notification will display, indicating that the lowest drill-down level has been reached. Or you will be redirected to the Team and Agent Skills Report.
The selected time range still applies to the drill-down. Click the Drill up button on the top of the report to go one level up.

Changing Initial Drop-Down Values
It is possible to change initial drop-down values (for example select a different team, questionnaire, questions etc.) at any time. By opening the Configuration pane and changing your selection.
Click the Generate report button to recalculate the report again using new values. A new report will display.
Note that after changing initial drop-down values, but before clicking the Generate report button to recalculate, it is not possible to new export data.