Navigating Inside the Quality Management
The appearance of various features in Quality Management is affected by the individual screen resolution on each workstation.
For users whose screens are set to the minimum resolution supported by Quality Management (1366× 768) certain elements on the right side of the screen appear partially displayed. To avoid this when working on a minimum-resolution screen you can minimize your navigation tree so that all other features 'fit' on your screen.
Using the Navigation Tree
The navigation tree is located on the left of the screen and is expanded by default.

Hover the mouse pointer over the menu items. Click a menu item to view the content.

The selected menu item is highlighted in bold and its associated icon is highlighted in blue.

Click on any menu item with a small arrow beside it to expand the connected submenu. Click on the submenu item to change screens.

Both the menu and submenu items are highlighted in bold, the associated icon is highlighted in blue.

Hiding the Navigation Tree
To hide the navigation tree:
Click on the arrow pointing left above the navigation tree (to the top left of your screen).
The navigation tree minimizes and all other screen elements are displayed.
Icons that represent individual menu items display on the bar to the left.
The icon representing the currently displayed screen is blue. Hover the mouse pointer over the icon to expand the menu.
A Switch Applications button and the User Menu, are also minimized in the bottom left corner.
Expanding the Navigation Tree
To expand the navigation tree:
Click the arrow in the top left corner one more time to expand the navigation menu.
The navigation tree will display.
Using the User Menu
Click on the User Profile button or the username to display additional options:
Manage account – redirects the user to User Profile and Password
Sign out – logs the current user out of the application

The name displayed next to the User Profile button is the first and last name of the user configured from within User Management. If the first and last names are not configured, the username is displayed.
Using the Switch Applications Button
The Switch Applications button allows users with sufficient privileges to access other applications.
Click the button to display the list of applications available. Then click on the application's name to be redirected.
User Management will open in a new browser tab, Eleveo WFM will open in the same tab.

As of Version 9.2 the user needs to have one of the following roles to see User Management on this list: manage-licenses, manage-users, view-realm.
By default, the ccmanager role doesn't have permission to open User Management. The composite role IT_ADMIN does have these permissions.
The user needs to have any WFM role assigned to be able to see Eleveo WFM on this list.
The user needs to have any ETL role assigned to be able to see Eleveo ETL Management on this list.
If they don't have any of these roles assigned, they won't have access to the Switch Applications option.
When switching between applications all open tabs and unsaved changes will be lost. Save all changes before switching applications!