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Cisco CUBE Integration

  • Purpose of this guide: This guide offers general information about CUBE integrations with SIPREC and Network-Based Recording (NBR).

  • Audience: Eleveo engineer, partner, or other professional interested in learning high-level information about the Eleveo integration with CUBE in SIPREC or NBR mode.

  • Previous steps: No previous steps are required.

  • When: This page is needed when learning about the CUBE integration in general.


Integration Details

CUBE is especially suited to facilitating:

  • PSTN interconnect using Internet service provider SIP trunks, which allow rapid service delivery and the possibility of capacity pooling across locations.

  • Migration from TDM to SIP public telephony trunk services. As a number of Cisco routers allow the concurrent use of voice gateway and CUBE features, a phased trunk migration is possible without requiring changes to the enterprise call control platform.

The following recording methods are supported in connection with CUBE:

  • Network-based recording

  • CUBE Video recording


  • Gateway preferred recording

Supported Integration Use Cases

Eleveo supports integrations for the following purposes:

  • Recording – Recording and the import of additional metadata is supported by Eleveo for Cisco

  • Screen Capture – Is supported by Eleveo for Cisco

  • Conversation Explorer – Search, view, and playback recorded media

  • Quality Management – Perform quality reviews from within Eleveo Quality Management

  • Live Monitor – Is supported by Eleveo for Cisco

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