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Cisco UCCE Integration

  • Purpose of this guide: This guide provides a general overview of Cisco UCCE Integration.

  • Audience: Customer's Cisco UCCE Administrators.

  • Previous steps: No previous steps are required.

  • When: Use this guide to understand what is required to deploy Eleveo integration with Cisco UCCE.


Integration Details

Integration of Eleveo with Cisco UCC Enterprise is achieved by using the Integration Module and UCCE Data Importers.

The Integration Module is a connector between Call Recording and Cisco UCCE. Its connection with Cisco UCCE is based on a CTI communication protocol that provides the possibility to implement the methods and functions needed to create CTI-enabled client applications for the UCCE.

A connection with Call Recording is implemented using Call Recording API. The recording method must be set to record through the JTAPI adapter, as the data lookup in both systems (Call Recording, Cisco UCCE) uses call identification (GlobalCallID), which is available in Call Recording only through Cisco JTAPI.

Import of users and groups, as well as user authentication and Single Sign On (SSO), are handled by UCCE User Data Importer, while the import of WFM historical and adherence data is handled by UCCE WFM Data Importer.

Supported Integration Use Cases

Eleveo supports integrations for the following purposes:

  • Recording – Recording is achieved via JTAPI recording.

  • Screen Capture – Is supported by Eleveo for UCCE

  • Users and groups import – Ensure that the correct users and groups are matched to media recordings

  • User Authentication and Single Sign On (SSO) – Single Sign On allows users to access Eleveo applications without the need to store their user credentials within the Eleveo User Management application

  • Conversation Explorer – Search, view, and playback recorded media

  • Quality Management – Perform quality reviews from within Eleveo Quality Management

  • Live Monitor – Is supported by Eleveo for UCCE

  • WFO Analytics – UCCE data can be displayed within the Dashboard

  • WFM Historical Data Import – Is supported by Eleveo for UCCE

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