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Review Scheduler

Review Scheduler enables you to schedule reviews for yourself or others. Team Leaders and Supervisors can use the Review Scheduler to schedule reviews for specific calls to help agents improve and investigate customer complaints. 

To start scheduling reviews, please navigate to Reviews > Review Scheduler. The Review Scheduler screen appears. 

The top action buttons enable you to perform the following actions:

  • Schedule Review – Use this button to confirm and save your review schedule.

  • Open Plan – Click to see the previously scheduled recurring reviews. You may click a listed scheduled review to open it. The grayed schedules are disabled and you may open them via the Open Plan Manager option as described below.

    • Open Plan Manager – Choose this option to manage scheduled reviews. Plan Manager window opens where you can Enable/DisableOpen or Delete a review schedule. You may hover over the info icon to see a tool-tip with more details about the review schedule. To further edit a review schedule click Open

      Can't see all of the options?
      Click and then drag the edge of the object to resize the plan manager pop-up window.

  • Clear – Clear all fields and selections you made in the currently opened review schedule. 


Start scheduling a review by choosing a questionnaire from the Questionnaire drop down menu. Read more on the Questionnaires page.


If the questionnaire you want to select does not appear in the drop-down menu verify that the questionnaire is marked as complete on the Questionnaires screen.  In addition, verify that the selected reviewer is allowed to use that questionnaire and that the Deny for All option hasn't been selected through Questionnaires > Permissions. See the Specifying Access Permission page for additional details.

Time Period

The Time Period defines the date range from which the conversations can be pulled when they are automatically chosen (using the Add Random Conversation button). You may use the Choose Date Range drop-down to choose one of the preset options quickly. For example, select Current Week and the From and To dates appear. Alternatively, select specific dates using the From and To calendars or by typing the dates into the From and To fields. Use the format MM/DD/YY.

Agents and Teams to Be Reviewed

Begin with pressing the Add Agents and Teams button. The Add Agents and Teams window appears. You can either search for particular Agents in the Search field or use the arrows to expand or collapse the listed agents and groups. 

  1. Select one or more groups. Clicking the arrow before a group name expands the group and displays the agents. If the required agent is not in the list, check the reviewer profiles in User Management and verify if they have been assigned permission to review the group that the agent is in. It is necessary to wait 10 minutes or more for the system to sync any changes made.

    Please note that assigning a group results in the reviewer being able to review all agents who are the member of this group, as well as all other agents being the members of all subgroups (for example, assigning only a Root group results in the reviewer being able to review all users).

    Please note a self review permission is required for any user that is part of a group in order to be able to create a review for anyone in that group.

    Further information regarding groups assigned to reviewers can be found on the Assigning Groups to Reviewers and Quality Management Roles pages in the User Management guide.

    The Quality Management application recognizes membership in one group only. This group should be marked as a 'main' group in User Management. If users were imported from external systems, like UCCX or UCCE, consider carefully if their group membership and/or the main group selection should be manually modified from within User Management.
    A reviewer must have the agents' main group assigned to them (more details: Adding Users to Groups if they wish to perform reviews on these agents.

    The following rules apply to setting the main group in User Management:

    • If a user is a member of one group only, this group is set as main.
    • If a user is a member of more than one group, only one group can be set as main.
    • If a user is removed from the main group, the first group from available groups sorted alphabetically will be set as the new main group.

  2. Select the check boxes of the agents to be reviewed.

  3. To confirm your selection, click the Add Selected button, which indicated the number of your selections. To abort your action click Cancel.


Click on Reviewers and then select the respective checkboxes to assign the reviewers that are applicable for the agents and teams to be reviewed. Reviewers can view only the teams/groups that they are assigned to review. A reviewer must be a user with an assigned role of CC manager, Team Leader, or Supervisor. 

You may check the reviewer profiles on the Administration > Users screen and verify that they've been assigned permission to review the group and that the agent is assigned to the group. Further information regarding groups assigned to reviewers can be found on the Assigning Groups to Reviewers and Quality Management Roles pages in the User Management guide.


Choose a conversation Type such as a Call, Email, Chat or other available types from the selection. You can choose one conversation type per review. Then choose the Quantity, up to 10 conversations are allowed. System default types are fixed and can not be changed, additional types can be added manually. Please refer to the Conversation Types page for more detailed information.

You Can Specify How to Select Conversations

By default, the Allow Replacement of Conversations is enabled. To ensure that the reviewers review the conversation selected for them, such as when investigating a complaint, uncheck this checkbox to disable this feature and prevent the reviewers from discarding the conversation and requesting a replacement. Selecting this option affects only this specific review.

The For Calibrations option assures that all reviewers completing reviews for the same agent(s), will receive the same random set of conversations after clicking the Add Random Conversations button in the review form. When the For Calibrations checkbox is selected, the options to Allow Replacement of Conversations and to Add Specific Conversations in the review form are not available. The For Calibrations checkbox is not selected by default.

To specify how the conversations for a review will be selected click the Add Criteria button. Search for criteria or make a choice from the list and click OK to confirm your selection. To add other criteria click the Add Criteria button and make a selection from the remaining criteria again. The list contains default criteria and may be extended depending on your custom data. 

Added criteria will be displayed. Click each criteria to make further specifications. 

Call Direction – Choose from InboundOutbound, InternalUnknown

Call Duration – Set a Minimum Call Duration and a Maximum Call Duration. Enter the number of seconds or the duration in minutes and seconds (mm:ss).

Call Wrapup – Choose a wrapup such as a Promise or Sale.

Full text search – Enter a full text that the conversation should contain. Learn more about the full text search on the Conversation Explorer page.

Speech Tag – Specify which speech tag should be included or excluded and set its confidence level.

Tag – Choose one or more (one by one) interaction tags to be included in the search results. Learn more about Tags on the Conversation Explorer page

Surveys – Specify the minimum or/and maximum Survey score. You may also select: Any, Percentage, or Points.

Number of Segments – Set the number of segments the conversations contain (this includes chats, emails and calls). You may select: Min, Max or both filters. 

Number of Agents – Set the number of agents who participated in the conversations (this includes chats, emails and calls). You may select: Min, Max or both filters. 

Service Type / External Custom Data – Set each of your available custom data type to either contains, is equal to or starts with together with the value. The custom (external) data is configured in Call Recording > Settings > Configuration > Search > Advanced Search.

As per the example below, you will see your external custom data in the Add Criteria window list.

Set Deadline

Use this drop-down to set a deadline for when the review should be completed. The expected completion date will be based on the number of days selected. The result is the deadline by which the reviewer should complete the review. This deadline is informative only - the review will remain active even after this deadline. In addition, a deadline can also be used to configure a review reminder. This process is described in the section below.

All reviews which are past due based on their expected deadline, are marked in bold on the Reviews screen.

Remind Reviewer

When you set a deadline, as described above, you can also set a reminder for the reviewer. In such a case, a reviewer will receive a reminder before a deadline. Read more about it on the Review Notifications page. You can configure how many days before the deadline the reminder will be sent.

To enable the reminder, first check the checkbox and then enter the number of days before the deadline.

Example of setting a Deadline and a Reminder

Example: A review is manually created or in case of a scheduled review the specified effective date is the July 1st. If you set a deadline to 5 days, the reviewer is required to perform the review by July 5th. If you set a reminder to 2 days, the reviewer will be reminded on July 3rd.  


You are able to schedule a recurring review. Choose a recurrence interval from the Repeat drop-down menu, e.g. monthly or yearly. Custom intervals are adjusted based on your preferences on the Preferences page where you can adjust e.g. the beginning of the week, month or year. The end date can be set in the following option "End the repetition".

If your Repeat option is set to Never (by default) you basically create one review with the effective date of when you create this review. If, however, you set the Repeat option to a recurring interval, you may also set the initial date for the first review to happen. Use the Review Effective Date field and its calendar to set the date. In case you've set a review repetition and you don't set the effective date, it will use the date when you schedule this review. 

Scheduled Reviews

Scheduled reviews will appear in the plan, the individual reviews will not be shown on the Reviews screen until the date when each occurrence of the recurring review is effective. The time when the individual reviews are created is set by default to 3:00 AM. You can change the time on the Preferences page under the General section > Time when Review Scheduler runs on daily basis.

A newly created scheduled review runs for the first time sometime during the next 24 hours, at time configured by the administrator. The next run depends on the periodicity set by the administrator. If this is a monthly review - it will run on the first day of the month, if this is a weekly review - it will run the first day of each week.

A new scheduled review was added on 19.12.2018 and it is a monthly review. Scheduler is configured to run at 3:00 AM. The task will run as follows:

  • the first run: 20.12.2018 at 3:00 AM.

  • the next runs: 1.01.2019 at 3:00 AM, 1.02.2019 at 3:00 AM, ...

End the Repetition 

By default, the review scheduling repetition you set above would not end. You have two options to stop the repetition of the review scheduling:

  • Either enter a number into the after [nr] of occurrences field to set after how many times the review will stop repeating. 

  • Alternatively, use the calendar to set the review scheduling repetition end date. 

Name of the Plan 

Once you set your review schedule you can name it in the Name of the Plan field. Click Schedule Review to save your changes or Clear to clear all fields.

The name of the plan then appears in the plan list when you click the Open Plan button as well as within the Plan Manager window.

Users will only be able to see and modify their own plans (templates). To see and edit all (everyone's) templates you must have the 'Global Templates - Edit' permission. Read more on the Quality Management Roles page.

Quick Tip to Create a Template

Create a review, set it as follows and save it:

  1. Set Repeat to Custom Yearly and keep the prefilled today's date in the Review Effective Date field.

  2. Set Name of the Plan and click Schedule Review at the top.

To use the template:

  1. Click Open Plan and choose the review again.

  2. Change Repeat to Never and click Schedule Review to save it.

  3. A prompt informs you how many reviews have been scheduled.

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