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Welcome to the Documentation Portal! 

Changes in the documentation!
We have updated the documentation portal.

Versioned content can be selected from the dropdown menu on the top right of your screen. Toggle the options to view relevant content.

If you find an error or omission please contact us at We appreciate your patience and understanding during this period of transition.

Important Information – Version 9 is Cloud Only

Version 9.3 is a cloud-only software as a service deployment. Partners and customers no longer need to manage and install the solution.

Many legacy deployments will not be fully compatible with the new Cloud Architecture. For customers who wish to maintain their on-premise recording solution, Eleveo supports Hybrid deployments. In a hybrid setup, your recorders remain on-premise, but your media records are uploaded to the Eleveo Cloud for playback and review. Contact your local Eleveo representative for more details.

Finding information is easy on the Documentation Portal. Select the area of your interest from the list or type a keyword into the search bar to find the information you need.

What are you looking for?

Eleveo 9

Latest major release 9.3

Recently added or updated Release Notes 9.3

Latest patch release - Changelog 8.3.3

Important Changes !!Version 9 is Cloud Only!!

Major changes are described in the Release Notes.

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