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Managing Groups

A group (also known as a team) is a collection of users in User Management. The team can be created manually on the User Groups page (more details can be found on the page Adding New Groups), or it can be imported, along with its users, from an external user database (more details on the page Eleveo Integrations). User groups can be arranged hierarchically with one or more groups being parts of larger groups. Groups can be specifically used by the connected applications.

Groups in User Management allow the management of a common set of attributes and role mappings for a set of users. Users may be members of any combination of groups, or not. Users inherit the attributes and role mappings assigned to each group.

Note that groups are hierarchical:

  • a group can have many subgroups

  • a group can only have one parent

Subgroups inherit the attributes and role mappings from the parent. If there is a parent group and a child group and a user only belongs to the child group, the user inherits the attributes and role mappings of both the parent and child.

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