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Configuring ETL Management for Webex Contact Center Integration


ETL Management is dedicated to configuring integrations with data sources like Cisco Webex Contact Center. It supports regular (automatic) imports of users and groups into Eleveo User Management, imports of historical and adherence data into Eleveo Workforce Management, as well as streaming of real-time adherence data consumed by the Real Time Adherence feature of Eleveo WFM.

Configuration Process

The following steps should be completed to integrate with Webex Contact Center successfully:

  1. Follow the guide Preparing Cisco Webex Contact Center for Integration

  2. Add the configuration within ETL Management UI (this page)

  3. Proceed with further configuration:

    1. Configuring User Import From Cisco Webex Contact Center

    2. Configuring Data Import From Cisco Webex Contact Center

Login to ETL Management

To access the Eleveo ETL Management application, enter the address of your server in the browser. On the landing page, click the Enter button next to the ETL Management icon.

For example, use the URL of the server to access the ETL Management: https://<FQDN>/etl where <FQDN> is the FQDN of the server where Eleveo is installed. 

The login screen will display.

Note that eleveo.admin privileges are needed. Please, check the dedicated page named ETL Management Roles to understand better the roles and permissions required to work with the ETL Management UI.

Authorizing With Webex CC

Follow the steps to add a new integration on ETL Management UI:

  1. Go to My Configurations > New Configuration.

  2. From the drop-down menu select the configuration type Webex CC.

  3. The new configuration tab will display.  Do not close this screen, as it cannot be saved without first providing further data taken from Webex Contact Center.

Fill in the following data:

Please note that adding multiple configurations with the same Organization ID is not supported! It is strongly suggested to add one configuration for one Organization ID and enable all possible imports (User Sync, Adherence, Historical and/or Real Time Data) there.

4. Click the Authorize with Webex CC button.


The user that is logged in and used for configuring User Import for Webex CC must have Contact Center Administration role on Webex CC Control Hub assigned. Webex documentation contains a guide on how to gain/assign such a role on Webex CC side. 

 If you created a new Client on the Webex CC side and use it for the first time the following window appears:

Fill in your credentials for Webex CC.

Press Accept.

5. If authorization is completed successfully, a green message about successful login appears. 

User Import

User synchronization task allows importing users and groups from Webex Contact Center to Eleveo User Management.

More details about this configuration can be found on the page: Configuring User Import From Cisco Webex Contact Center.

Data Import

ETL enables the possibility of importing historical, adherence and real-time data that can be consumed by the Eleveo WFM application.

More details about this configuration can be found on the page: Configuring Data Import From Cisco Webex Contact Center.

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