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Configuring Data Import From Cisco Webex Contact Center


It is mandatory that you follow the guide Preparing Cisco Webex Contact Center for Integration before proceeding.

Order of installation steps

The import of data can be configured only after authorization with Webex Contact Center is successful and the User Sync task is configured properly!


This page is dedicated to the historical, adherence and real time data import from Webex Contact Center to Eleveo Workforce Management. Imported data can be consumed by the Forecasting, Adherence History and Real Time Adherence features. More details on this topic can be found on the dedicated page: Importing Data.

The following steps should be completed to integrate with Webex Contact Center successfully:

  1. Add configuration within ETL Management UI (authorize with WebexCC).

  2. Configure data import task(s) in ETL Management UI – steps are covered on this page,

Accessing ETL Management

Use the URL of the server to access the ETL Management: https://<FQDN>/etl where <FQDN> is the FQDN of the server where Eleveo is installed.

Note that eleveo.admin privileges are needed. Please, check ETL Management Roles to get more details about the roles and permissions for working with Integrations UI.

Authorizing With WebexCC

Basic information on how to establish the connection with WebexCC is described on the Configuring ETL Management for Webex Contact Center Integration page.

Data Import

An automatic import of data from Webex Contact Center into Eleveo WFM can be achieved by configuring the Historical data, Adherence and Real Time Data tasks in ETL Management. 

Please note that adding multiple configurations with the same Organization ID is not supported! It is strongly suggested to add one configuration for one Organization ID and enable all possible imports (User Sync, Adherence, Historical and/or Real Time Data) there.

Historical Data

The import of historical data allows one to get information such as names and IDs of the queues, start and handle time, number of tasks offered to the queues. Those data can be used for the forecasting process in WFM.

The following configuration can be performed for the task:

  • On/Off - the task can be configured and active or inactive

  • Cron - cron expression that specifies when the current task should be started






    minute (0-59)hour (0 - 23)day of the month (1 - 31)month (1 - 12)day of the week (0  - Sun, 1 - Mon etc)

    To validate the cron expression, use the link.

    Cron job uses the server's defined timezone, which is UTC. You can check the time on the server by typing the following date command in the terminal: date -u

    For Intraday Management functionality to work properly, configure the cron job for importing historical data to run every 15 minutes:  */15 * * * *

  • Look back period - max 30 days - time period that determines how many days of data from history will be imported.

Adherence Data

Adherence data are the data from the Contact Center about agents' statuses that can be used for planning purposes in the WFM application.

The following configuration can be performed for the task:

  • On/Off - the task can be configured and active or inactive

  • Cron - cron expression that specifies when the current task should be started






    minute (0-59)hour (0 - 23)day of the month (1 - 31)month (1 - 12)day of the week (0  - Sun, 1 - Mon etc)

    To validate the cron expression, use the link.

    Cron job uses the server's defined timezone, which is UTC. You can check the time on the server by typing the following date command in the terminal: date -u

  • Look back period - max 30 days - time period that determines how many days of data from history will be imported.

Real-Time Data

Real-time data are consumed by the Real-Time Adherence feature in Eleveo WFM. This feature allows supervisors to display real-time information about people's statuses. Using this feature, it is possible to identify whether people follow their schedules as planned.

After enabling this feature or modifying the configuration file, it can take up to one hour for updated data to be visible in the User Interface.

The following configuration can be performed for the task:

  • On/Off - enabling/disabling the import of real-time data.

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