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Adding Specific Conversations for Review

If you are using an existing review you must add a conversation for review.

Two methods of adding conversations to a review are available: you can add a specific conversation using the Add Specific Conversation button from the Review Form or you can add random conversations by using the Add Random Conversation button. The first method is easier than the second and doesn't require any additional configuration steps.

The option to Add Specific Conversation is available only when the review has been created using the Review Scheduler and the user has adequate permissions.

If the current user does not have adequate permissions an error message will display  "You donĀ“t have permission to view this page"

The Add Random Conversation process requires further preparation of Sub-criteria. For detailed information see the section on specifying how to select conversations on the Review Scheduler page.

Add Specific Conversation

The purposes of adding specific conversation to a review are:

  • Customer compliance 
  • Temporary changes in the structure of groups of agents in contact centers 
  • Limited service-provision periods in the company
  • Conversation practice sessions by reviewers

Add Conversations process searches only for conversations:

  • that meet predefined search criteria from Add Specific Conversations page.

The supervisor or team leader can manually select a specific call based on specific criteria that differ from agent to agent or from group to group.

The Add Specific Conversation button in the Review Form provides a useful and easy method for uploading a specific conversation to the review.

To add specific conversations from the Review Form, go to Reviews, click on a specific review, and click the Add Specific Conversations button.

The Add Specific Conversation page appears. Search for conversations the same way as using the Conversation Explorer. Once you find the conversation you need for the review select it and click Add Selected Conversation to confirm your selection and return to the Review Form page. 


If the minimum number of conversations have been added, you can't delete any conversations until more have been added.

You may also wish to associate a Comment with a conversation.  

Here, you can include comments or observations for the conversation.

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