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Speech Recognition


Eleveo provides a complex Speech Recognition solution for both small and large organizations that provides for:

  • Transcription services
  • Emotion detection

Why use Speech Recognition?

  • Monitor 100% of calls.
    • Access transcriptions for all (100%) of your recorded calls with punctuation and number formatting
    • Multilingual support (multiple dialects supported)
    • Emotion detection – find dissatisfied customers, upset agents or problematic interactions quickly
    • Metadata generated and saved alongside recorded media provides an additional level of analytical value
  • Allow human quality monitors to concentrate on key issues.
  • Scan all calls for potential compliance violations, improving the effectiveness of compliance departments.
  • Quickly and effectively address key business issues in contact centers.

Supported Languages

Speech Recognition

Dialects supported

  • North America

  • Australia

  • United Kingdom

  • Europe

  • Philippines

  • International


  • Canada
  • France
  • Europe


  • North America
  • Spain
  • Mexico
  • Argentina
  • Columbia
  • Panama



  • Brazil


This module is licensed separately from Quality Management. It is necessary to have the required license to use this feature. It is also necessary that you have the required role assigned by your administrator: VIEW_TRANSCRIPTION.

Users without this role will see a message displayed in the Conversation Explorer Details Pane that states: "No acoustic & emotion available" or "No transcription available".

Emotion Detection

Emotion detection is only available for installations that have a valid Speech Recognition license and for conversations that contain a transcript.

The average emotion at the end of the conversation is extracted from the transcription and then displayed within the Conversation Explorer Details Pane.

To view Emotion:

  1. Open the Conversation Explorer and select a conversation that contains a transcript.
  2. Expand the Details Pane.
  3. An emoticon will display alongside the transcript.

For more detailed information, please refer to the documentation for the Conversation Explorer.


  • The recording server must be set to output WAV files!
  • Speech Recognition is not supported for integrations that generate only MP3 audio files, such as Zoom CC©.
  • Integrations that generate only mono audio recordings, such as MS Teams © Recording, are supported. Two identical audio waveforms are displayed in the Interaction Player, one for each channel. This is expected behavior.

  • Version 9 does not support Speech Tags and Phrases.
  • Conference participants are not identified by the speech recognition software. The current implementation can only detect 2 participants in the call.
  • Individual participants are not recognized in mono recordings. We recommend that you capture stereo audio recordings whenever possible.

"Zoom CC © Recording is a registered U.S. trademark of Zoom Video Communications, Inc."

"MS Teams © Recording is a registered U.S. trademark of Microsoft."

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