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Adding Webex Contact Center Identity Provider

Purpose of this guide: This page is a part of the procedure required to configure Webex Contact Center as an Identity Provider for User Management (enable Webex Contact Center SSO). This configuration should be done in User Management.

Audience: A user with access and credentials for User Management.

Previous steps: Ensure that the secure connection is enabled on User Management and that certificates used by Webex Contact Center are trusted/imported.

When: When configuring Webex Contact Center as an Identity Provider for User Management (enabling Webex Contact Center SSO).

Next steps: This is the only step.

Follow the steps to add a new Identity Provider in User Management:

  1. Go to Identity Providers > Add provider.

  2. From the drop-down menu select the provider type Webex CC. The screen may appear somewhat different if an identity provider was added previously.

  3. The Add identity provider option will display. Copy the Redirect URI, as it will be needed in the next step. Do not close this screen, as it cannot be saved without first providing further data taken from Webex Contact Center.

  4. Log in to the Webex Contact Center application registration console to register a new client – follow the instruction on the Preparing Cisco Webex Contact Center for Integrations page, then return here and continue on this page with point 5.

  5. Fill in the Client ID and Client Secret copied from the Webex Contact Center application registration console:

  6. Optionally, provide a Display Name. This name will be displayed on the new login button. If left empty, the default 'Webex CC' name will be used.

  7. The following URLs are used by User Management to authorize Webex Contact Center users. The values that are filled in by default are valid for Webex Contact Center in the US region. If you use Webex Contact Center in the EU region, replace the values based on the below table:

    URLValue for the US regionValue for the EU region
    Authorization URL
    Token URL
    User Info URL
    Logout URL


  8. Click Save to add the Identity Provider. The login via Webex Contact Center is ready to use.

  9. When accessing the Eleveo application, the Webex CC button in the login dialog should be visible to users.

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