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Release Notes 9.4

April, 2024

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 9.4!

Documentation changes

Information related to the configuration of supported third-party platforms is available in the Integration Guides.

New Features and Improvements 

  • Quality Management UI enhancements –  We continue to modernize the look and feel of the UI. As we roll out the changes you will find the look of some screens and elements change. These changes do not affect feature functionality.

  • Speech Recognition EnhancementsEleveo has expanded the number or supported languages. Transcription is now supported for additional media types, including MP3 and MP4 (this expands transcription creation to include additional sources, such as the Zoom Contact Center Integration)

  • WFM Shift Swaps– Agents can send a request to trade shifts from within the system. This workflow automates part of the workflow, and schedules are automatically updated to reflect the changes once a supervisor approves the request. 

  • On-Premise support / Deployment scenarios – Eleveo supports on-premise installations in version 9.4 and above.

  • Cisco Webex Calling – The addition of Cisco Webex Calling in this version complements our existing suite of recording options available.

  • Genesys On Premise – The Genesys User Importer is compatible with Eleveo version 9.4+

  • Dashboard widgets – The dashboard widgets are supported for on-premise installations of version 9.4+.

  • Support for shared lines and multiple extensions – Eleveo is now able to support installations where multiple users share a single line or multiple extensions are used.

  • Replay HA – Eleveo now supports Replay High Availabilityfor Active and Cold Standby with manual switchover.

Release Policy

Additional Notes

Operating System

  • Rocky Linux


  • All supported languages are available with Version 9.4.


  • Cloud and On-Premise features are distinguished within the documentation whenever practical. Some content is only available under specific deployment scenarios. Refer to the page Feature List for more info.

  • Major changes to how documentation is accessed have been rolled out. We are actively working to improve access to our user guides.

  • Admin Guides and User guides are now available via dedicated websites.

    • User guides are accessible via as before. 

    • Administrative guides are available for all users logged into the Eleveo portal(please click on a link to the documentation be gain access).

  • The Integrations Guide contains more information relevant to administrators who wish to deploy integrations. 

  • Spanish language User Guides are available for this version. 

“Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered U.S. trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.”
"WEBEX®, CISCO, Cisco WebEx, WebexCC, the CISCO logo, and the Cisco WebEx logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliated entities in the United States and other countries."
"Zoom Contact Center.© Recording is a registered U.S. trademark of Zoom."
"MS Teams © Recording is a registered U.S. trademark of Microsoft."

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