Configuring User Profile and Password
The User Profile is a collection of settings associated with each user of Eleveo applications managed by User Management (Quality Management, Workforce Management). It is hosted by User Management, however, no additional effective roles are necessary to access it. All users of QM or WFM are able to modify their settings, as well as change their passwords from within their User Profile.
This is the only page of User Management, which doesn't require any specific rights to the system.
Accessing User Profile
Each user is able to access and modify the details of their account. To access the details of an account, click on the User Profile button or the username at the bottom left to expand the menu, and then click on Manage account.

The Edit Account screen will display. Click the menu items in the navigation tree on the left side of the screen to switch to other screens.
Account Details
To view the general settings of the account, click Account in the navigation tree on the left side of the screen. The Edit Account screen will display. This is a default screen.

The following details are read-only:
Email – contact email of the user
Secondary email – additional email address(es), only if this attribute was added manually or imported from an external source (more emails can be imported, in such a case, they are numbered, for example,
Secondary email #1
)Phone – phone number(s), only if this attribute was added manually or imported from an external source (more phone numbers can be imported, in such a case, they are numbered, for example,
Phone #1
)First name – first name of the account owner
Last name – last name of the account owner
The following details can be configured:
Language – default language of the application. More details about the language selection can be found on the Switching the Language page.
Time zone – time zone of the application (when not selected, the value from Realm Settings is used)
Click Save to apply the changes or click Cancel to abandon any changes.
Password Updates
To change the password, click Password within the navigation tree on the left. The Change Password screen will display.

Configure the following details:
Password – current password of the account
New Password – new password
Confirmation – repeat the new password
By design, the system requires that enhanced complex passwords be used (see the page Managing Password Policies for details).
Click Save to apply changes.
Alternatively, the password can be changed from the login screen as described in the Resetting My Password From Login Screen section below.
This feature is not officially supported. It will not work without standard Internet access opened through a firewall (ports 80/443).
OTP (One Time Password) is an optional feature of User Management. This account configuration option will be available only if OTP is set as a valid authentication mechanism for your installation. To access the OTP settings, click Authenticator within the navigation tree on the left. The Authenticator screen will display. Then follow the instructions displayed on the screen.

To manage sessions opened by the account, click Sessions within the navigation tree on the left. The Sessions screen will display.

The table on the Sessions screen displays the details of all sessions opened by the account:
IP – IP address of the device which opened the session
Started – date and time of the beginning of the session
Last Access – date and time of the last access to the session
Expires – date and time when the session will expire
Clients – types of clients who opened the session
Click Log out all sessions to close them.
To see a log of all actions performed by the account, click Log within the navigation tree on the left. The Account Log screen will display.

The table of the Account Log screen contains details of logged actions:
Date – date and time of the action
Event – type of the action
IP – IP address from which the user was connected
Client – type of the client logged in
Details – authentication method and username
Leaving User Profile
After modifying and saving all changes, click the username in the bottom left corner of the screen and then click Sign Out to return to the login screen.

If you were redirected to User Profile from a different application (for example Quality Management or WFM) using the Manage account button, click the Back to <application name> button to go back.

Resetting My Password From Login Screen
In order to reset a password (for example when it's forgotten), open the login screen and then click Forgot Password.

A new screen will display. Enter your username and click Submit.

An email that allows for the password to be reset will be sent to the email address connected with this user account.

Click on the link received in the email. A screen will display, allowing for the new password to be configured. Enter the new password twice and click Submit.

Then go to the login page again. Access the application using the username and the newly configured password.