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Eleveo WFM Release

Published: 25 March 2020


New features

View mode in Forecasting and Scheduling – A new View mode was added to the Forecasting Lab and Scheduling Studio screens. A user with rights to create and edit forecasts and schedules can use the View feature to display a forecast or schedule without the risk of accidentally modifying it.

Changes and improvements 

Removed Scheduling Lab screen – To avoid confusion, the Scheduling Lab screen has been removed from the application. The Scheduling Studio screen provides the same functionality and feature set.

New notification about shrinkage changes – Modifying the shrinkage value on a forecast which is already in production is not allowed. Now a user who is trying to change shrinkage is notified that this operation is not possible.

No redirection after using the Save/Update feature – The Save/Update features on the Forecasting and Scheduling screens no longer redirect a user to a table of forecasts (schedules). Now the user stays on the same screen and is allowed to continue working with a forecast (schedule).

Dynamic labels for schedule elements in My Schedule – To improve visibility, names of the schedule elements are now dynamic. The full name of the schedule element is visible on a label. When it is too long to fit, it changes to a shortcut (for example, only the first two letters are displayed).

Jump to current date button – A new 'Jump to current date' button simplifies the schedule creation process by allowing a user to quickly switch to the current day.

Tooltip with schedule details – A new tooltip was added to display the schedule details of the selected point in time. Hovering the mouse pointer over the schedule table displays the Scheduled/Required/Net Staff values.

New schedule element – A new 'Holiday' element was introduced to allow schedule creators to add non-working days, like public/national holidays, Christmas etc., in a schedule.

Year and month selection added to a calendar – To simplify date selection, new drop-down menus were added to the calendar, allowing for the year or the month to be selected. This feature allows the user to quickly jump to the specific month or year, without having to display each and every month.

Fixed issues

Reference numberDescription
WFM-1270Due to this issue, the Administration > People screen was not working as expected. Now the issue is fixed and the list of people is correctly loaded.
WFM-1202Due to this issue, the schedule element was not matching the available slot and crossed over to the previous day. After the issue is fixed, schedule elements are able to change their duration (shrink) to match the available empty slot which is shorter than the default duration of the element.
WFM-1291Navigating from the second screen of the Scheduling to the first screen, and back to the second, led to the Export button disappearing. This issue is not happening anymore.
WFM-1303Adding the 28th person to a schedule was causing the schedule table to not function correctly. The last four rows of the table were affected: drag&drop functionality, as well as copying and pasting elements were misbehaving. Now it is possible to add any number of people to a schedule without affecting the schedule functionality.

This issue was causing an incorrect timeline offset when a user located in a different time zone than the user who created this schedule tried to view a schedule, and was using the calendar to switch days. Now, when a schedule is opened in a different time zone, the timeline offset is kept, no matter how the user has chosen to switch between days (via the Next/Previous buttons or a calendar).

WFM-1335This issue was causing that the operations of clearing and pasting a schedule were also affecting schedule elements from the previous day if these elements were up to the end of that day. After fixing the problem, only elements from the currently selected day are removed or pasted.
WFM-1151The success message after updating the persons settings (on the Administration > People screen) is not covered by the active page pagination anymore.
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