Managing Email Settings
This page allows a user to set a specific SMTP configuration that will be used by User Management to send notifications. If not configured, User Management will use general SMTP settings, configured when installing the server.
Click User management > Email within the navigation tree on the left to display the Email Settings screen.

Provide the details:
Host – hostname of the email server
Port – port on which the email server is listening
From display name (optional) – user-friendly name for the ‘From’ address
From – sender’s email address
Reply-to display name (optional) – user-friendly name for the ‘Reply-to’ address
Reply-to (optional) – address used to be replied to
Envelope From (optional) – email address used for bounces
Enable SSL – enable SSL encryption
Start TLS – enable TLS encryption
Enable authentication – enable authentication
Username – name of a user with rights to send emails
Password – password of the user above
Click Test connection to verify if the provided details are correct. Then click Save to apply settings.