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User Management - Guide


User Management empowers users to work with one set of credentials throughout the entire Eleveo Application set while providing industry standard security within an intuitive user interface. Built-in support for multi-tenancy allows multiple entities (tenants) owning different authentication domains (realms) to be managed by the same system.

Centralized user management, together with support for Single Sign On (SSO), allows for identity brokering. A user accessing any of the applications from Eleveo will be seamlessly redirected to the SSO pages. Using company credentials (with single, unique login) the user is validated, and their browser is provided a token that can then be used to gain access to the application they have permission to access. 

The User Management console provides the following functionality: synchronizing with external data sources (UCCE, UCCX, CUCM), adding and removing user accounts, combining users in groups based on a specific organizational structure or other individual needs, managing sessions and credentials, managing access levels based on roles and privileges, as well as enabling data transfer for hybrid solutions.

Main features

The following User Management features enable users to achieve the following goals:

  • Synchronizing with external authentication providers – User Management supports several authentication sources (Webex Contact Center, MS Teams - Azure AD); users imported from these providers can be managed in the User Management UI.

  • Managing users and groups – Activating and deactivating users, assigning composite or effective roles, as well as changing credentials (for local users only).

  • Managing roles – Adding new custom roles, managing application permissions by assigning or removing effective roles.

  • Managing licenses – Importing new license files, checking their validity or capacity.

Guides to User Management

The guide is as follows:

  • The User Guide is intended for contact center professionals (managers, supervisors, team leaders) who are responsible for managing the users and user groups of the Eleveo applications and assignment of the roles within contact centers

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