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Editing Users

To edit an existing user, go to the Users screen and click on the user’s row. Alternatively, expand the user’s menu on the right and click Edit.


The Edit user pane will display.

After manually adding a new user, the Edit user screen displays automatically.


The Details tab allows for configuring basic user settings, the same as those configured during the user creation process. Settings that were not configured during the user creation process or were not imported from the external system may be added now. The username cannot be changed.

Edit as necessary:

  • Email – user's email address (It is not mandatory; however, it is recommended that a valid email address be entered. This is especially important as the email address is used to send notifications and to reset passwords.)

    • if the user's email address was verified or not, it is indicated by the Email Verified checkbox

  • First Name – first name of the user

  • Last Name – last name of the user

  • Time zone – time zone of the application (when not selected, the value from Realm Settings is used), find out more on the Adding New Users page

  • Language – language of the application (when not selected, the default language is English)

  • Required User Actions (only for users added locally) – tasks that a user must finish before they are allowed to log in. A user must provide their credentials before the required action is executed. Once a required action is completed, the user will not have to perform the action again. It is possible to select more than one Required User Action. The built-in required action types are:

    • Configure OTP – when set, the user must configure a one-time password generator on their mobile device using either Free OTP or Google Authenticator (this feature is not officially supported)

    • Update Password – when set, the user must change their password

    • Update Profile – this required action asks the user to update their profile information, for example, their name, address, email, and/or phone number

    • Verify Email – when set, the user must verify that they have a valid email account (an email will be sent to the user with a link they have to click; once this workflow is successfully completed, they will be allowed to log in)

    • Update User Locale – this required action asks the user to update their language selection.

For each user, a source is displayed:

  • Database – source of the user (LOCAL or external system from which the user was imported).

User Status

By default, a new user is disabled. Use the Enable user button to activate the user.


For the users who were imported from external systems, additional settings are displayed (these settings are not visible for manually created users):

  • Enable/disable synchronization – by default, synchronization with an external system is enabled; the switch allows you to disable/enable synchronization



Apart from basic user metadata like name and email, the system can store arbitrary user attributes. To configure attributes manually, click the Attributes tab. This tab is only available to local users.


Click the Add Attribute button and select:

  • Agent ID – to add an identification number of an agent, if it exists (required to match agents to calls correctly)

  • Device ID – to add a Device ID attribute

  • Phone extension – to add a phone extension of the user (required to match agents to calls correctly)

  • Custom – to add any other custom attribute.

These attributes are configured locally but are independent of the synchronization process. It means that attributes added for users imported from external systems will not be overwritten or removed during the next synchronization process.


Enter the values and click the Add icon (a green checkmark) to add the attribute.


To remove an attribute, click the Remove icon (the red bin).


To set or modify a password, go to the Password tab. This tab is only available to local users.


Type in a new password in the Password and Password confirmation fields. Click the View icon on the right to preview the password. By design, the system requires that enhanced complex passwords be used (it applies to temporary passwords as well). See the Managing Password Policies page for more details.

Use the Temporary checkbox to decide if the password can be used once or multiple times:

  • the box is checked – password can only be used once and the user will be asked to change their password after they have logged in

  • the box is unchecked – the user will not be asked to change their password.

After entering the password for the first time, click the Set password button. If you previously set a password and now modify it, the Reset button is present instead. Click it to confirm the password change.

It is not necessary to set a new password for a new user. If a valid email address is associated with the user, new users can set the password themselves using the Forgot Password link.

To access the Password tab directly from the Users page, expand the user’s menu on the right and click Reset password.


Role Mappings

Go to the Role mappings tab to assign composite roles to a new user. Composite roles are a predefined set of effective roles (privileges to use particular functionality of the application, for example: view a schedule, edit a forecast, upload a file) and they are defined separately for each client application. A new user has no roles assigned.


To assign or unassign roles, follow the steps on the Assigning Roles page.


On the Teams tab, the user can be added to any available team(s).


To search for a group in the group database, type the name or part of it in the search box and click the Enter key. All groups that match the entered criteria will be displayed.


Use the checkboxes to add or remove a user from the team.


Use the List currently assigned to display only groups that are selected.

The Quality Management application recognizes membership in one team only. This team should be marked as a 'main' team in User Management. If users were imported from external systems, like UCCX or UCCE, consider carefully if their group membership and/or the main team selection should be manually modified from within User Management.

The following rules apply to setting up the main team in User Management:

  • If a user is a member of one team only, this team is set as the main.

  • If a user is a member of multiple teams, only one team can be set as the main one.

  • If a user is removed from the main team, the first team from available groups sorted alphabetically will be set as the new main team.

The first team assigned is automatically selected as the main team. To change a main team, click on the star icon to the right. If a user is unassigned to the main team, the next team on the list is selected as the main.


Can Manage

To assign the user teams, which she/he can manage in Quality Management, go to the Can manage tab.


To search for a group in the group database, type the name or part of it in the search box and click the Enter key. All groups that match the entered criteria will be displayed.


Use the checkboxes to assign (or unassign) a user to the team.


Note that groups can be assigned to all users, but additionally, certain roles are necessary to be able to perform a review (EVAL_AGENTS and CREATE_EVALS) or to see conversations of assigned groups (INTERACTIONS_GROUP_VIEW).

The following composite roles have these effective roles assigned by default: DEFAULT_CC_MANAGER, DEFAULT_TEAM_LEADER and DEFAULT_SUPERVISOR.

As a result of assigning a group, the reviewer is able to review all agents who are members of this group, but not agents being members of its subgroups.

If a group (either imported or manually created) is manually assigned for review to a user who is being synchronized with UCCX or UCCE systems, this change will be lost once the next synchronization is executed.


To display licenses assigned to a user, go to the Licenses tab.


Editing More Users

It is possible to perform some actions for more than one user simultaneously. To do that, use the checkboxes on the left of the screen and select all users that need to be modified.


Then, click the Actions button in the top left corner. The menu will display.


Select an action to perform:

  • Enable – enable all selected users

  • Disable – disable all selected users

  • Enable synchronization – enable synchronization for all selected users

  • Disable synchronization – disable synchronization for all selected users

  • Assign team – add all selected users to a team

  • Unassign team – remove all selected users from a team

  • Assign supervisor – assign all selected users as supervisors to a team

  • Unassign supervisor – unassign all selected users as supervisors from a team

  • Assign role – assign a role to all selected users

  • Unassign role – unassign a role from all selected users

  • Set main team – select a main team for all selected users

  • Unlock blocked users – unlock all selected users.

Depending on the action selected, a next dialog window will appear, offering a team or a role to be selected or asking to confirm a further action (for example, if selected users should be disabled).

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