Displaying Users
User accounts configured in User Management are basic accounts granting access to all applications to their end users. The User Management application enables the creation, review, and adjustment of existing accounts to facilitate the usage and management of the complete solution.
To view users that already exist in the system, click on User management > Users within the navigation tree on the left. The Users screen will display.

Basic information about each person is displayed in the following columns:
Username/email – username and (optionally) an email of a user
Last name – last name of the user
First name – first name of the user
Team(s) – team(s) to which the user belongs
Role(s) – role(s) assigned to the user
Database – source of the user (local database or external system from which the user was imported).
State – current state of the user (disabled or enabled)
To search for a user in the user database, fill in the user's first name, last name, email address, or ID in the search box and click the Enter key. All users who match the entered criteria will be displayed.

To copy the user’s ID, click the Copy ID to clipboard icon on the left of the username.

At the bottom of the page, it is possible to adjust how many items are displayed on each page.

Use the arrows or page numbers to switch between the pages.