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Adding Users to Teams

Manual vs Automatic Team Membership

Users can be added to teams in the following ways:

  • manually from within the User Management UI:

    • on the Members tab of the Edit team pane (as it is described on this page)

    • on the Teams tab of the Edit user pane (as it is described on the Editing Users page)

  • automatically during the users' import from UCCE/X or CUCM

  • automatically during the users' import from Webex Contact Center.

If users were added to teams manually from within the User Management UI, no matter if these users and teams were imported or created manually, this change will not be overwritten during the next synchronization. If users were added to teams automatically and then this team membership is modified manually (users are removed from the teams), this change will be removed during the next synchronization.

Users that were added to teams automatically and then were removed manually from within the User Management UI will be automatically added to teams during the next synchronization.

Generally speaking, users added to teams manually should not be removed or overwritten during the automatic synchronization of users with UCCE/X, unless the same users would have been added to teams during the synchronization. In this case, Data Importers will take ownership of the user-team relationship (as if users were added to teams by Data Importer). If the Data Importers take ownership, this can result in changes in the future - removal or reassignment of users to teams due to changes pulled from UCCE/X.

Assigning Members to Teams

To edit existing teams, go to the Teams screen, select a team, and click the Edit icon (a pen).


Go to the Members tab. It shows all team members. To add a new member, click the Assign Users button in the bottom right corner.


A new window will open, displaying all existing users. Check the boxes of the users who should be assigned to the team and click the Assign button.


At the bottom of the page, it is possible to adjust how many users are displayed on each page. Use the arrows or page numbers to switch between the pages.


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