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Training / eLearning

Eleveo enables enhanced agent training. The following section describes how eLearning is used to quickly improve knowledge transfers across contact centers. 

eLearning involves either training new hires who have little or no knowledge of the subject, or training agents with low evaluation scores. Either way, good trainers know that trainees must be tested to ensure that they understand everything.

Good training includes:

  • Training instructions.

  • A reference interaction that the trainee can listen to.

  • A presentation with interactive pictures and sound.

  • A quiz to help the trainer see how well the trainee has digested all the information.

Training is usually provided in the following cases:

  • Taking new agents on board

  • Training/Coaching Packs for supervisors

  • Coaching agent performance

Taking New Agents on Board

A contact center's largest expense is employee salaries. When a company hires an agent, it faces considerable costs to train the agent, and it can take months before the company will see a return on investment. eLearning both distributes content and tests new agents, allowing them to digest important information and review it as necessary. This solution reduces time and effort across training teams by allowing them to focus on the agents that need additional help or quickly weeding out agents that may not be the right fit for the company. New agents become used to the applications and can self-study with minimal impact on their calling time. Most importantly agents are able to review areas that are difficult or challenging to be sure they know what they need to know.

eLearning and Coaching Packs for Supervisors

Supervisors are responsible for managing teams of agents and their overall performance. All supervisors are not created equal. Targeted and quick coaching helps them support agents in their daily activities. Managers can also send coaching and eLearning content directly to their supervisory team with best practices for:

  • Coaching

  • Motivation

  • Goal setting

  • Performance management

  • Disciplinary procedures 

  • New processes, programs or product updates

By fully informing supervisors and team leaders of best practices, companies can make sure that these practices are implemented and calibrated across all processes. To this end all eLearning packs include a quiz to ensure uptake and measurable understanding of the content. This lets the contact center know that everyone is up to date and are all working in the same direction.

Coaching Agent Performance

It's an extremely tough job to ensure that all agents meet company KPIs. When one agent improves it’s likely another drops, and the effort to keep all agents on a path of continuous improvement is difficult at best. eLearning allows supervisors to provide training and coaching to all agents under their management with a few clicks. This guarantees that every agent receives the same information. While freeing supervisors to review and measure test results.

Reports relevant to Training/eLearning

The most relevant reports for E-Learning are Review Volume report and League Table report.

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