Review Notifications
There are multiple types of review-related notifications generated by the system in Quality Management.
Reminder notifications
Review created
Feedback sent
Agent's feedback sent
Review completed
Reminder Notifications
An automated message is generated when the deadline for conducting a review is near. The assigned individual will receive an email reminder that indicates:
"This is a reminder that you have to complete the Review {review number} by {date}"
"Please log into Quality Management and go to Reviews to review conversations."
Administrators can configure the time email reminders are sent by modifying the settings for Scheduling Email Delivery.
Review Created
An automated message is generated when a review is created in the Review Scheduler. Note, no notification is sent when a review is created on the Conversation Explorer.
Recipients are set on the Preferences page, General section. Based on the checked options, the automated message can go to the reviewer, agent or to both. If no option is ticked, message won't be sent.

You can set who will receive the "Review created" notification on the Quality Management Preferences page.
Review created notification example:

The time displayed corresponds to the timezone of the server (UTC).
Feedback Sent
This notification is triggered by the reviewer to share the review feedback with the reviewee, typically an agent, via Review Form > More Actions > Send Feedback.

The option is only available if the review is NOT in the Completed state.
The message is sent to the agent only if there is a Comment, Things to improve or Things to maintain.

If there is nothing, a note "No feedback to send" will be displayed.

Agent's Feedback Sent
This message is triggered by the reviewee, typically an agent to share their feedback back to the reviewer.
This option is only available if a review is in any of these states: Awaiting, In Progress or Completed and via Reviews screen clicking the Send Review Feedback button, followed by entering some text. The button can be clicked and used more than once if needed.

Example of "Agent's feedback sent" email notification:

Review Completed
Review Completed notification is triggered if a reviewer completes a review, hits the Complete button and the review contains any feedback to the reviewee.
A Confirmation Email dialog box will need to be then confirmed by clicking OK.

Agent(s) will receive an email confirming that a review which contains the commentary provided by the reviewer during the course of the review was completed.