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Topics Manager

About Topics manager

Topics are detected by the Eleveo Speech Generative AI server based on the transcription of recordings. Topics are then displayed in the Details Pane of the Conversation Explorer. If the system does not provide information for a single conversation the message No items have been identified will display.

You can edit existing Topics or create new ones on the Topics manager screen. Go to Administration > Topics manager.

Users with the following permissions can edit topics AI_FLAGS_TOPICS_MANAGE. This role should be assigned to the CCManager custom role. See Quality Management Roles for more details.

Additional permissions required to view outputs – The permission AI_Outputs_View is required in order to view the Summary, Topics, and Flags on the Conversation Explorer

Topics Manager Management

Topics are fully configurable by the user. There are no topics in the system by default.

topics manager1.png

Create New Topic

  1. On the Topics manager screen, click the Add New button to get started.

  2. A detail pane will display. 

    topics manager2.png

    Enter details for the new topic

  3. Topic color– Select a color to use when highlighting the Topic in the UI.

  4. Topic Name – Name the new Topic. This is a mandatory field and will be displayed to end users on the Conversation Explorer Details Pane. It is not recommended that the name be modified in future, as this could cause variation in the output over time.

  5. Description – Optionally, add a description to the new Topic. This is only for you and other administrators, it does not impact the output, and is not shown to users. This field can be left blank.

  6. Click Save to save your changes, or Save and activate to enable this topic immediately.
    A confirmation dialog will display, confirming the new topic was saved.

Enable or Disable Topics

Topics can be Active or Inactive. If inactive they are not sent to the Speech Gen AI server and are therefore not ‘detected’ within conversations. In order to be correctly detected by the Speech Gen AI server the topics must be in and Active state. Topics can be enabled or disabled when they are created (save and activate vrs save) or they can disabled by clicking Deactivate within the Detail pane.


Example of an active rule, click Deactivate to make the topic ‘inactive’


Example of an inactive rule, click Save and Activate to make the topic ‘active’

How does it work?
Once created the system will analyze each new conversation for topics that match.

The Speech Generative AI server is asked to evaluate and classify every conversation based on the following question:

  • Please, classify the text in to up to three classes if applicable. Classes: [list of topics separated by comma].

Based on the response the first 3 topics detected are displayed on the Conversation Explorer Details Pane for users with the appropriate privileges.

Discard changes

To discard your unsaved changes close the pane using the small x to exit without saving your changes. 

You'll see a confirmation message that your changes were saved. 


Changing the name – Once created/saved it is not recommended that the name of the AI Topic be modified. This is to ensure consistency in the database. Please deactivate the Topic instead, and create a new topic with a different name.

Editing Existing Topics manager

Double-click on the Topic you want to edit or click on the small pencil icon.

You may edit any Topic in a similar way as described in the section about creating new Topics. Remember to Save your changes. 

Note that all changes are tracked within the Audit log.

Additional information is available on the Conversation Explorer in the section Topics manager.

Example Topics

As each and every industry is interested in different topics it is not possible to provide a comprehensive list. We recommend tuning the topics to suit your needs. This means testing out various topics over time.

Health Care

  • Smith’s Orthopedics

  • Inspection

  • Patient

  • Prescription

  • Medical examination

  • Emergency

  • Medication

  • Doctor consultation / Doctors appointment

  • Compliance

  • Appointment

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