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Release Notes 9.5

July, 2024

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 9.5!

Documentation changes

Information related to the configuration of supported third-party platforms is available in the Integration Guides.

New Features and Improvements 

  • Speech Generative AI – Combine the power of AI with Quality Management Automated Rules, or use it alone to enhance your understanding of daily activity.

    • AI Insights – Speech Generative AI provides a simple summary for every single conversation, rates each interaction on a scale of one to five, while also providing flagging, topic classification and highlights. Read the documentation to learn more about what is available in version 9.5.

    • Combined with Automated Rules – Evaluate 100% of recordings using Automated Rules in combination with Speech Generative AI. Define your own questions for the Eleveo Generative AI tool to answer, see the resulting score displayed along with other automated review scores on the Conversation Explorer. This feature is an add-on installed in combination with Eleveo Speech Recognition.

  • Cisco Webex Calling – We have introduced native cloud call recording for Webex Calling, Cisco's cloud-based unified communications solution. Eleveo is now one of the few vendors that natively supports the Webex Calling platform. We support the combination of Webex Contact Center and Webex Calling in one platform!

  • Quality Management UI enhancements –  We continue to modernize the look and feel of the UI. As we roll out the changes you will find the look of some screens and elements change. These changes do not affect feature functionality.

  • Enhancements to Workforce Management – Development to our WFM offering continues.

    • Filtering by a Team – Now it is possible to filter people on the Adherence History, Real-Time Adherence and People pages by the team they belong to. This allows Supervisors to display employees only from the teams they are supervising.

    • Change in the shift swaps – matching queues instead of matching skills – Now, two people who want to swap their shifts need to be assigned to the same queue (instead of having the same skills assigned, as it was in the first iteration). With this change, the system will make sure that these people will always be able to cover each others work.

Release Policy

Additional Notes

Operating System

  • Rocky Linux


  • All supported languages are available with Version 9.5.


  • Cloud and On-Premise features are distinguished within the documentation whenever practical. Some content is only available under specific deployment scenarios. Refer to the page Feature List for more info.

  • Admin Guides and User guides are now available via dedicated websites.

    • User guides are accessible via as before. 

    • Administrative guides are available for all users logged into the Eleveo portal(please click on a link to the documentation be gain access).

  • Updated translations of the User Guides will be available once completed.

“Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered U.S. trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.”
"WEBEX®, CISCO, Cisco WebEx, WebexCC, the CISCO logo, and the Cisco WebEx logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliated entities in the United States and other countries."
"Zoom Contact Center.© Recording is a registered U.S. trademark of Zoom."
"MS Teams © Recording is a registered U.S. trademark of Microsoft."

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