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Speech Generative AI Integration

Supported for CLOUD DEPLOYMENTS – On-Premise Deployments are supported if installed by Eleveo Support Engineers. Please contact your Eleveo representative to discuss a custom deployment if you require an on-premise installation.

What is it

Eleveo offers a Speech Generative AI package that is installed on a separate, dedicated, server. The Generative AI server creates a summary of the conversation (based on the transcription created by Eleveo Speech Recognition), and answers predefined questions about the conversation that were created by users(in the Automated Rules module). The answers to the questions are used by Quality Management to score the conversation using Automated Rules.

Combining the transcriptions provided by Eleveo Speech Recognition with Speech Generative AI and Automated Rules allow for 100% of conversations to be assessed and scored by Quality Management.

The solution is provided for on-premise and cloud deployments. Feature availability may vary based on your installation.

High-level Architecture Overview

Speech Generative AI is installed as an add-on to Quality Management and must be configured. This feature analyzes transcription files provided by the Speech Recognition Service and answers user-defined questions about the transcription. Quality Management combines the score with other variables/values based on the user-defined Automated rules. The combined scores are visible within the Conversation Explorer details pane as part of the automatic reviews results.

speech generative ai overview.png

Graphical overview of how the Speech Generative AI service is interconnected with other services

Chats and emails are not processed by Eleveo Speech Generative AI. Only transcriptions generated by Speech Recognition are sent for processing.

Supported Integration Use Cases

  • Conversation Explorer – Display summaries created by the Generative AI within the Details Pane. Summaries are generated based on the transcription provided by Eleveo Speech Recognition.

  • Quality Management – Provide responses to questions defined by users as part of Automated Rules.

Unsupported features:

  • Email and Chats are not supported by Speech Generative AI

Supported Call Scenarios

All recordings that are processed by Speech Recognition (and have a transcription generated by Speech Recognition) are supported.

What Is Supported




Upgrade to video

User Import

User Authentication
(User Management)


Conversation Explorer




Voice of the

WFO Analytics
(Reports +

WFM (historical data)

WFM Intraday

WFM Real Time Adherence

Speech Generative AI
















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