Activating and Deactivating Users
By default, all newly created users are enabled and have access to any application using User Management. To prevent users from being able to access any application, they should be disabled.
Users, who are imported into User Management from external systems (UCCX, UCCE) are imported with their statuses: enabled (active) or disabled (inactive). Users, which were removed or disabled from within the external system after the import, will be disabled in User Management after the next synchronization with the external system.
We strongly recommend that users be disabled, not deleted. Deleting users may cause database inconsistencies and the loss of historical data associated with them.
Disabling a User
To disable a user, go to the Users screen and click Edit on the right of the user's name.
On the Details tab, move the User Enabled switch to the left. Any user who is disabled, cannot log in to any applications.

Enabling a User
To enable the user again, move the User Enabled switch to the right.

Disabling/Enabling an Imported User
The user imported from the external system (UCCE, UCCX or LDAP) can also be disabled using the User Enabled switch. However, this setting will be overwritten during the next import/synchronization if the synchronization is still enabled (the Synchronization enabled switch is on). To prevent this, disable the synchronization or disable the user in the external system. The same applied to enabling the previously disabled user.
If a user who is currently using the Workforce Management application gets disabled in User Management, they will be logged out from the application and will see the following screen:

Unlocking a Locked User
After 30 unsuccessful login attempts, the status of a user will change to locked. The User Temporarily Locked switch is set to 'on'. Similarly, as disabled, this user cannot log in until enabled again.
This feature applies to local users only. Users, who are imported into User Management from external systems (like UCCX, UCCE, ...) are not locked by User Management after unsuccessful login attempts.
To enable a user again, click the Unlock user button.

Unlocking All Locked Users
To unlock all temporarily locked users at once, click the Unlock users button on the Users screen.