Saved Filters
Saved Filters
Filters used to filter conversations on the Conversations screen can be saved for repeated use. Additionally, Saved Filters can be assigned to specific users. This functionality expands the number of conversations an end user can view. After being assigned a Saved Filter, users can view and review conversations that they would not normally be able to access.
The menu item Saved Filters and the ability to create or modify Saved Filters is visible to users with the role SAVED_FILTER_ASSIGNMENT
. The required permission is assigned to the DEFAULT_CC_MANAGER
as part of the Default Composite Application Roles. More information is available on the dedicated page called Quality Management Roles.
Use Case
There are several reasons that users can benefit from the use of Saved Filters:
Backoffice users or unassigned phone numbers (elevator, phone in emergency vehicles, ambulance, etc.) may not be identified for various reasons. By assigning a back-office worker to a Saved Filter the user will immediately gain access to any conversation included in that filter.
A user needs to see conversations sourced from across the whole organization (but not all of them) For example a debt collection specialist may need to view all conversations flagged as related to debt collection.
Agents in need of training can be assigned to a Saved Filter that contains example calls or emails, as part of a training or coaching session.
How Do Saved Filters Work?
Normally users are able to view and review conversations based on their assigned roles and groups (this is called Role-Based Access Control), typically agents can see their own conversations, and supervisors/teamleaders can see conversations of their own team(s), while Contact Center Managers can see all conversations.
Saved Filters allow for additional conversations to be shown to a user based on certain attributes (Attribute Based Access Control), typically this means that Supervisors and Team Leaders will be able to view conversations that they would not normally be able to view.
Additive permission logic is applied between Role-Based Access Control and Attribute Based Access Control, and also among all assigned filters. In practice the more filters assigned to a user, the more conversations they can view.
Does This Replace the Option to Delegate Responsibility to Another User?
No, this does not replace the Privileges Delegation functionality available in Quality Management.
What Attributes Can Be Used When Creating a Saved Filter?
Any of the search criteria that your installation normally supports. Additional custom attributes that are installation-specific can be enabled for use on the Conversation Explorer from within the Conversation Settings.
Can Saved Filters Be Shared Between Managers?
No. The Saved Filters can only be modified and assigned by the person who created them. It is not possible to edit another manager's Saved Filters.
How Can We Tell if a Saved Filter Is in Use?
There is an indicator in the User Interface that shows that the Saved filter is in use (assigned to another user):
The warning message states that:
Saved Filters marked with the following icon
Any changes to these Saved Filters will affect access to conversations for all users and teams assigned to that Filter.
Why Can't I Delete a Saved Filter
Filters can not be deleted if they are in use by Automated Rules.
Create a Filter
More complete instructions on how to create a filter are described on the page Conversation Explorer. Before proceeding, please ensure that you have created several functional filters.
As an example:
View Saved Filters
To access the Saved Filters menu item, navigate in the Quality Management interface to Administration > Saved Filters.
Filters created and saved from within the Conversation Explorer will be visible (only filters created by the currently logged-in user are available).

Modify Saved Filters
Go to the Conversation Explorer and edit your saved filter from the menu.
Expand the Saved filters menu.
Click on the Edit icon.
Make the necessary changes and Click on the Check Mark to confirm the changes.
Assign Saved Filters
From the Saved Filters pane. Click on one of the visible filters, or click the more edit icon.

View and assign users
The Saved Filter Detail pane will open and will display a list of available and assigned Users.
If many users are assigned, it is possible to search directly from this pane to confirm that they are already assigned to this filter (or scroll down to view more).
To assign a Saved Filter to a user:
Click the box beside the individual users to select it. A checkmark will highlight the change.
Click Save to save the changes, or Cancel to discard the changes.
Confirmation of the save will display.
Additional options
In addition to searching for users you can quickly view only those currently assigned to the saved filter. Available options include:
Show selected only – Display only the currently assigned users.
Select all listed – Quickly select all visible users.
Clear – Unselect all users.

View the number of assigned users
The total number of users assigned to a filter will update in the list of filters visible on the Saved Filters pane.

Users assigned here will now be able to access the conversations included in this filter.
Search For a Saved Filter
If the Filter you wish to use is not visible on the main page of the Saved Filters tab, click on the arrow to view the next page.
By default 10 filters are displayed on the page. This can be changed be selecting from the dropdown list.
To quickly find a Saved Filter available to be assigned to another user, use the search field. Clear the search field to view all filters.