Adding and Editing Question Sections, Questions, and Answers
This page concerns adding new sections, adding questions to sections, and editing sections in questionnaires. Follow the steps required to create questionnaire content:
Adding a New Section
A question section must be added to a questionnaire before you can add questions and answers.
To add a section, go to Questionnaires and double-click on the questionnaire that you wish to modify:
Click New Section to add a new section. Each questionnaire can contain multiple sections. The following dialog appears:
Type a suitable section name in the Name field.
Type an optional section description in the Description field.
Enter the percentage Weight value for this question section. The sum of all section weights must equal 100. You may include a question section with 0 percent weight, e.g. for information tracking purposes without any impact on the score. Questions in such a 0 percent section will still need to sum up to 100%.
Click Create and then Save to save the work in the questionnaire. You can click Edit on the Questionnaire screen to re-open the questionnaire for further editing.
After the questionnaire is successfully saved with all the questions and answers, it appears in the Questionnaire list with the appropriate status. The status can be found next to the version edit field, hover over it with your mouse pointer to see the complete status details.
For a complete list of all status messages, go to the Understanding Error Messages page.
Two state icons appear in the Questionnaire screen next to the questionnaire name after you have created a questionnaire: green and red. Green means that you have created the questionnaire correctly and it can be used for reviews. The red icon indicates that the questionnaire isn't complete and can't be used without being modified:
The next step in creating your questionnaire is to set questionnaire properties, as described on the Setting Questionnaire Properties page. If you do not define this before adding questions, then the score will be set to percentages by default.
After you have added a question section you must create questions for your questionnaire. The following section describes these steps.
Adding a Question to a Section
Each question section must contain at least one question.
To add a question to a question section, go to Questionnaires and double click the questionnaire you wish to modify:
Select the question section that you wish to add questions to. Each section can contain multiple questions.
After clicking the section you wish to add a question to, click in the white box below the Section Name and then click New Question, which is located in the middle right of the screen.
Here, you can also remove an existing question from the section by clicking the Delete Question button.
If no question has been input into the section yet, your screen will look like this:
After you have selected New Question, type the question name. Reviewers can see this text in the grading form.All questions appear in alphabetical order within sections.
You can opt to place your questions in numerical order instead of numbering them. If you have more than 10 questions, number them (01, 02, 03, and so on) within the question field and then type in your question.
If necessary, you can make the column wider to accommodate the text. Place your pointer on the line between columns and the cursor appears. Drag the column borders to make the columns wider or smaller by using this cursor.
Type an optional description of each question. Reviewers can see the description in the grading form if they move their pointers over the blank area next to the question.
If you are using a percentage or grading score system, enter the percentage weight value that the question has in this question section. The sum of all weights for all questions in a section must equal 100.
Click Save below the description field to add this question to the current section.
You can move questions between sections by clicking on a question to select it and dragging it to the desired section. If necessary, you can click the expand button next to the section names to show any existing questions in the section.
Adding Answers
All questions must contain at least one answer.
To add an answer to a question, do the following within the Questionnaires screen:
Double click the questionnaire that you wish to modify and select a question section.
Click on a question to select it.
Click Add Answer.
A new field appears:Type the Answer Name and an optional Answer Description.
Select a Compliance answer:
Success all: This option assigns the highest available numerical score to each question in the questionnaire. Thus increasing the overall result to the highest possible numerical score.
Success section: This option assigns the highest available numerical score to each question in the section. Thus increasing the overall result of the question section to the highest possible numerical score.
None: This is the default compliance setting and is used for most answers. This option requires that a numerical score be entered into the Percentage column. Type the answer's Percentage or Points to set this question's scoring.
n/a (not applicable): This option can be used in situations where a question shouldn't be used to evaluate an agent. For example, if the question isn't relevant to the telephone conversation. Use n/a to set a score that in the end will have no statistical effect on the result of the review. Four calculating methods are possible for n/a answers. Set the method in Administration > Preferences. See the Preferences page for further information.
Fail all: This option assigns a final score of zero, regardless of any answers that have already been selected or are available.
Fail section: This option assigns a score of zero to each question in the question section. Thus reducing the overall result of the question section to zero.
Selecting Fail all or Fail section will mark as failed the whole questionnaire, respectively the question section. You may still wish to see how the agent performed in other areas before selecting Fail all or Fail section. The score of each affected question in the questionnaire or question section is shown in the reports.
Reduce all: This option (only available for Quality Review type) allows you to set the whole questionnaire score reduction for both scoring systems Points or Percent. This answer can only be used once in a questionnaire and in a dedicated section without any other questions in that section. The percentage/points ratio and type of reduction (TO and BY) will be configurable per questionnaire in the Questionnaire Properties:
Reduce all by "x" % - this option will reduce the score of the whole questionnaire by defined percentage - Example: In team "Sussex", the agent Harry is evaluated by team leader Meghan. He gets 84% or 84 points but fails the compliance question, so Meghan selects the answer that reduces his score by 50%. His final score is now 42% or 42 points respectively.
Reduce all to "x" % (if Scoring System is set to Percent) or Reduce all to "x" pts (if Scoring System is set to Points) - this option will set/adjust the score of the whole review to the predefined percentage/points score.
Example 1: In team "Cambridge", the agent William is evaluated by the team leader Kate. He gets 84% / 84 pts but fails the compliance question, so Kate selects the answer that reduces his score to 50% / 50 pts. His final score is now 50% / 50 pts.
Example 2: In team "Danube", the agent Thelma is evaluated by the team leader Wilma. Thelma gets 42% / 42 pts but fails the compliance question, so Wilma selects the answer that changes the score to 50% / 50 pts. The final score is now 50% / 50 pts.
Reduce all to "x"
When using Reduce all to "x" % – If the agent has a lower score than defined by this setting, it is possible that the final score will be higher as a result. E.g If the agent has a score of 42 and the properties of the Reduce all to 'x' are set at 50. The agent will have a final score of 50.
Trainers Tips
Anytime you select Reduce All as an option you must meet the following conditions:
- The question needs to be in its own section with no other questions
- The section can be weighted however you would like – even 0%
- Question weighting must be 100% as it is the only question in the section
If these 3 conditions are not met, the system will show an error message.
If your questionnaire is a survey, select a Value to be used for this answer. Valid options are keys 0 through 10 (the system will wait for user input and will accept multi-digit entries, i.e. 1+0 = 10).
Click OK and then click Save on the questionnaire taskbar to save the questionnaire and close it.
In this manner, continue adding all answers to all questions until you are finished.
Users can also drag and drop answers within an active tab. This allows the order of the answers to be changed manually. If you change the order of answers this way, the default setting which auto-sorts answers within the Questionnaire Properties will be changed to Manual.
Editing Existing Content and Saving as the Same Questionnaire
You can make minor edits to aspects of existing questionnaires as long as the changes do not affect the score and then Save it as the same questionnaire (rather than as a copy or new version).
The following options can be modified after the questionnaire is saved and used, without the need to change the questionnaire version:
section name
section description
question text
question description
answer text
answer description
Editing Section Name, Section Description
To edit a section name, go to Questionnaires and double click the questionnaire you wish to modify:
Click on Manage Sections in the questionnaire. The following dialog appears:
Double click the section you wish to modify and edit the Questionnaire or Description text.
Click Save to apply the change.
Click Close to close the Questionnaire Sections dialog window.
If a percentage scoring system is changed, you will have to save the questionnaire as a new version or copy (see the section Editing a Question Section and Saving as a Copy).
Editing Questions and Answers Texts
On the Questionnaires screen, double click the Questionnaire you wish to modify. When the selected questionnaire opens, double click the Question you need to edit and the question opens for editing. You may then choose to either edit the question text or click its description and edit that respectively. Be sure to click Save to save your changes or Cancel to abort the action.

To edit an Answer or its description, the process is similar to editing the questions. Double click an answer to enable editing. Change the texts as needed. Click the Answer description if you want to update that too and Save your changes.

Editing a Question Section and Saving as a Copy
You can edit various aspects of question sections that are not covered above, including percentage changes. Mind that in such case you'll be allowed to save the questionnaire only as a copy or as a new version.
To edit a questionnaire section, go to Questionnaires and double-click on the questionnaire that you wish to modify:
Click on Manage Sections.
Click a section to select it and then click Delete section to remove the question section. The removal of the question section is possible only via this dialog.
Double-click on the Section Name to modify the Questionnaire Name, Description, and Percentage parameters. Save the changes.
Click next to the Section Name, Section Description, and Percentage parameters to sort the listings by these parameters.
Click Close to close the Questionnaire Sections dialog window.
If a percentage scoring system is used the sum of the weight values for all question sections must equal 100 before a questionnaire can be marked as complete. If the scoring system is points, the column for weights will not appear at all.
The rounding strategy permits users to define how many decimal places they can set the weightings for questions or sections in the questionnaire, dependent on the scoring method.