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Real-Time Adherence


The Real-Time Adherence screen allows supervisors to display real-time information about people's adherence to a schedule. Based on this, they are able to identify whether people follow their schedules as planned.

Information about the current statuses of people is imported from external systems, like UCCE or Webex Contact Center. This information is then compared with the people's schedules.

Displaying Real-Time Adherence

Agents who belong to the teams that the current user has assigned in User Management → Can Review section are available. Details can be found in the Can Review section of the Editing Users page.

To display the Real-Time Adherence screen, expand the Schedule Adherence module within the navigation tree and click Real-Time Adherence History. The screen will display.


Information about schedule adherence is displayed in the following columns:

  • Name – the name of the person

  • Teams – the name of the team(s) that the person belongs to

  • Current Status – the current Eleveo Status corresponding to a real status (ACD status) of the person (based on imported data)

  • Scheduled Activity – an activity that is currently scheduled for the person

  • In Adherence – the current state of the person (read more in the Evaluating Out Of Adherence State section):

    • NO – the person is out of adherence to a schedule

    • YES – the person is in adherence to a schedule

  • OOA Since – date and time of the beginning of the out of adherence state (if the person is in adherence, this field is empty)

  • Duration – duration of the out of adherence state (if the person is in adherence, this field is empty)

  • Actions – possible actions:

    • View – display the details of the person's status

Note that people who are out of adherence are displayed first (at the top of the screen), in alphabetical order. People in adherence are displayed below. As a result, people can move up and down as their state is being actualized in real-time.

Change of the Status

The In Adherence status of people is changed in real-time, just after receiving information about a change of current status from the external server.


Changes are highlighted with colors:

  • the red color indicates the transition to the out of adherence state (from YES to NO):

  • the green color indicates the transition to the in adherence state (from NO to YES):


Changes are highlighted for 10 seconds (a timeline is displayed below the status), then rows change back to their initials colors.

If RTA notifications are enabled, each change of status will be followed by a notification presented to a user. More information about configuring RTA notifications can be found on the Adherence Settings page.

Displaying Details

Click the View button to display the real-time adherence details for the selected person.


The details will display at the bottom of the screen. The real-time adherence data for the selected person is displayed just above the timeline.


The timeline covers 13 hours back and 13 hours forth from the current moment (26 hours altogether). It moves forward every 15 minutes - a new 15-minute long interval is added at the beginning (in the future) and the last 15-minute interval is removed from the end (in the past). The current moment is marked with a blue line and the exact time is displayed.

The timeline compares real events with the schedule for a particular day. It contains the following rows:

  • OOA Events – time when a person is out of adherence (marked in red)

  • Scheduled – scheduled activities

  • Reality – Eleveo Statuses based on the real-time statuses of the person

Evaluating Out of Adherence State

The OOA Events row highlights in red all periods when a person was out of adherence. It is evaluated based on the mapping of scheduled activities to Eleveo Statuses and corresponding ACD Statuses (mappings are configured on the Adherence Settings screen):

  • If the real status (ACD Status) was mapped to an Eleveo Status, the name of this Eleveo Status displays in the Reality row. The same name is displayed in the Current State column in the main table on the Real-Time Adherence screen.

    • If this Eleveo Status was also mapped to a Scheduled Activity currently displayed in the Scheduled row (and in the Scheduled Activity column), it is evaluated as the In adherence state and nothing is marked in the OOA Events row.

    • If this Eleveo Status was not mapped to a current Scheduled Activity, it is evaluated as the Out of adherence state and marked in red in the OOA Events row.

  • However, if the ACD Status that appeared in the real-time adherence report was not mapped to any Eleveo Status at all, the real name of the ACD Status, as well as its reason code, displays in the Reality row and in the Current State column, and it is evaluated as the Out of adherence state. Such ACD Status is marked in red in the Reality row.


Hover the mouse pointer over the OOA Events to display a tooltip with details.


The tooltip contains the following information about an event:

  • Schedule Activity – person's activity according to the schedule

  • Person's Status – real status of the person (name of the Eleveo Status, or name of the ACD Status if the ACD Status is not added to any Eleveo Status)

  • OOA Start – beginning of the out of adherence event

  • OOA Duration – duration of the out of adherence event

Hover the mouse pointer over a Scheduled event to display the tooltip with details.


The tooltip contains the following information about an event:

  • Schedule Activity – name of the event (scheduled activity)

  • Duration – duration of the event

Hover the mouse pointer over a Reality event to display the tooltip with details.


The tooltip contains the following information about an event:

  • Person's status – name of the event (name of the Eleveo Status, or name of the ACD Status if the ACD Status is not added to any Eleveo Status)

  • Duration – duration of the event

Zooming the Timeline

By default, the timeline covers 13 hours back and 13 hours forth from the current moment (26 hours altogether). Use the scroll bar at the bottom to scroll the timeline:

To zoom in on the timeline, click on the area of the OOA Events/Scheduled/Reality bars (not on the hours or minutes) and keeping the mouse button pressed, move along the period that should be zoomed, for example from 12:00 to 15:00.

The selected period of time will be zoomed in. It can be maximally zoomed in to display a 15-minute block of time.

Now, the scroll bar is not available at the bottom, but the timeline can be moved using the zoom function on the far right/left of it. As a result, the timeline will move.

Click Reset zoom to display the full timeline.

Filtering Real-Time Adherence Data

It is possible to filter the Real-Time Adherence data that will be displayed, based on a name or based on configured criteria.

Filtering Based on a Person's Name

Enter the name in the Search by name field to find data for this person. Search is not case-sensitive. Results will be dynamically displayed while entering the name. Click the Reset filter button to remove the name.


Filtering Based on Criteria (Filters)

To filter reports based on configurable criteria, click on the Filters button in the top right corner of the screen. The filters pane will display.


Click the tab to expand it and to display the following filtering criteria:

  • Teams – displays only people who belong to the selected team (only the teams that are managed by the person who is filtering are displayed):


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