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Unify OpenScape Xpert Integration


Integration Details

OpenScape Xpert is a reliable, multi-line communications solution for financial, energy, and commodity trade as well as for dispatchers in control centers and Public Safety Answering Points. It increases the workers’ efficiency and productivity while reducing operational cost and complexity.

Eleveo records OpenScape Xpert using the SIPREC protocol.  The Session Recording Protocol (SIPREC) is an open SIP-based protocol for the recording of VOIP calls. SIPREC as a protocol allows calls to be recorded via SIP messaging sent by a Session Border Controller (SBC) or the Private branch exchange (PBX). The SBC/PBX sends the replicated sessions directly to the Session Recording Server (SRS) which, in this case, is the Eleveo recording server. Additional Metadata is provided via SIP messaging. 

Supported Integration Use Cases

Eleveo supports integrations for the following purposes:

  • Voice Recording– Recording is supported

  • Screen Capture – Is supported

  • Conversation Explorer – Search, view, and playback recorded media

  • Quality Management – Perform quality reviews from within Eleveo Quality Management

  • Live Monitor – Is supported

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