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Adding an iCal calendar to iOS

Before you can see a calendar subscription on all your devices, subscribe to the calendar on your device first. If you subscribe to the calendar on your iOS device, iCloud won't update it to your other devices.

Adding a Calendar

If you use an AppleĀ® device, follow the steps below:

On your device go to Settings > Passwords & Accounts:

Add Account:

Select Other:

Select Add Subscribed Calendar

Paste the copied URL (the one you copied in the previous step) to the Server field:

Enable the Use SSL option and click (or tap) on Next:

The My Schedule Calendar should now be displayed in your personal calendar.

It may take some time for the calendar data to display.

Removing a Calendar

To remove a calendar from your device open Calendar. Tap Calendars > Tap i > and then Tap Delete Calendar.

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